Discuss current organizational plan at place of employment

Discuss current organizational plan at place of employment

Discuss current organizational plan at place of employmentDiscuss current organizational plan at place of employment

Executive leadership in the 21st century requires attention to a wide variety of potential emergency situations. These may be internal such as active shooters, biocontrol, technology takeover, catastrophic infrastructure failure, or external, such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and a host of accidents such as airplanes crashes, train derailments involving hazardous materials. You, as leader, will analyze which of these potential situations are likely given your demographic area.


Discuss current organizational plan at place of employment



Thankfully, there is a wide variety of resources to assist in the development of these plans, and most organizations have existing plans.For this assignment, utilize as many of these resources as you wish:

  • Emergency Management
  • FEMA Planning Considerations: Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (PDF)
  • AONE Guiding Principles: Role of the Nurse Leader in Crisis Management (PDF)
  • The Joint Commission Online
  • Homeland Security: Active Shooter Emergency Action Plan Guide and Template
  • Current organizational plan at place of employment
Create a Disaster Preparedness plan.

Include the following aspects in the Assignment:

  • Choose one aspect of interest to you from the wide variety of complex coordinated emergency response plan needs (Active Shooter, Terrorist Response, Natural Disaster Response, etc.)
  • Develop a 10 pg slide presentation
  • Your plan may modify an existing plan
  • This is a high-level overview of the major aspects of the emergency response plan needs
  • More granular details can be added as speakers notes if you wish
  • Include:
    • Risk Analysis,
    • Resource Analysis,
    • Standards,
    • Literature Review,
    • Goals,
    • Timeline,
    • Evaluation
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