NURS4455 Identify characteristics of leadership and management.

NURS4455 Identify characteristics of leadership and management.

NURS4455 Identify characteristics of leadership and management.NURS4455 Identify characteristics of leadership and management.

Do you view yourself as a leader?

You have, no doubt, served as a leader in some situations, but you may not yet envision yourself as a leader in the nursing environment. This course is designed to help you recognize the leadership and management qualities you bring to the profession, sharpen and enhance those skills, and to encourage you to seek out leadership and management opportunities.

Use the Professional Development Inventory to assess your leadership qualities and skills. Save your results and/or make notes of the conclusions.


• Identify characteristics of leadership and management.

NURS4455 Identify characteristics of leadership and management. | Nurses Homework

Conclusions and Reflections

Describe your overall leadership characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Comment on any characteristics that the tool did not address that you believe to be important.

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NURS4455 Identify characteristics of leadership and management.

Professional Development Inventory NURS4455

What is Professional Development Practices?

This Professional Development Practices Inventory was developed to assist funded partners in identifying the strengths and gaps in the
professional development (PD) components of their cooperative agreement work plans. The inventory is meant to be a tool for individual or team
reflection and to assist in the prioritization of PD practices. The following six professional development practices are used as the framework for the
 Sustain a Professional Development Infrastructure  Deliver Professional Development
 Design Professional Development Offerings  Provide Follow‐Up Support
 Market Professional Development Services  Evaluate Professional Development Processes
These practices refer to the delivery of professional development in a group setting (trainings, presentations, meetings) or one‐on‐one (general
technical assistance, coaching/mentoring).
 Professional development (PD) is a systematic process used to strengthen how professionals obtain and retain knowledge, skills, and
attitudes. PD is designed to actively engage learners. It includes the planning, design, marketing, delivery, follow‐up support, and
evaluation of PD offerings such as events, information sessions, and technical assistance
 A PD event includes to a set of skill‐building processes and activities designed to help targeted groups of participants master specific
learning objectives. Such events are delivered in an adequate time span (at least 3 hours) and may include trainings, workshops, coaching,
and online or distance learning courses.
 Technical assistance refers to tailored guidance to meet the specific needs of a site or sites through collaborative communication
between a specialist and the site(s). Assistance takes into account site‐specific circumstances and culture and can be provided through
phone, mail, e‐mail, Internet, or in‐person meetings.
In the table starting on page 2, Read each item listed in the Processes column (left column) and determine whether or not your site has the
process in place. There is a box to indicate “yes,” “no,” or “don’t know.” As you consider each process think about the level of importance of each.
There is a space in the right‐hand column for you to jot down impressions or comments. After you (and your team, if applicable) have had a
chance to analyze the processes, indicate in the lower right corner of the page whether this PD practice is a high, medium, or low priority for your



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