The Importance of  Community Service

The Importance of  Community Service

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Community ServiceThe Importance of  Community Service
America is fortunate to be one of the world’s birthplaces of the concept and portray the importace of community service. Early pilgrims had to serve each other to keep from dying in early times. When the early colonists realized they had a choice between tyranny or freedom they banded together in every community. They formed minutemen militia to keep their communities safe from the tyranny of British military oppression. Men, woman, and children with deep conviction and high integrity rose to face the difficulty of the times with heroic character.

Today’s society has problems as well as any other time in our history. People today go homeless and starve, gangs form power structures and destroy communities through guns, drugs, and fear. Daily we see dramatic scenes of the very people who should be the lighthouses of community service.

The Importance of  Community Service – Nurses Homework | Nurses Homework

Community service in its ideal form is a way of doing something positive for the community. I have helped feed the homeless on many occasions through many different church groups. Very much have I enjoyed providing Christmas presents for families in distress because I’ve been part of highly organized community services like coaching troubled youth in roller hockey. This was what I knew and what I could offer to my community because I had the opportunity.

These are great experiences and we need to see them bloom in small and large communities all across the nation. Community service is a positive way of making the community a better place for everyone.

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