What  does HITECH stand for?

What  does HITECH stand for?

What  does HITECH stand for?What  does HITECH stand for


As HIT  Professionals, you need to understand health record retention  requirements.  Many of these requirements are influenced by internal  policy and external  regulations. Your ability to effectively make  decisions depends on retention  impact cost, storage space, and  compliance.  The following information by the Center for  Medicare and  Medicaid Services (CMS) provides guidance and answers to many  questions  on health record retention.

For this  assignment, go to the CMS Website. Search for information  and guidance on health record retention requirements to answer the following  questions.

What  does HITECH stand for?


  1. Would  HIPAA preempt state laws if state laws are more stringent than HIPAA laws?  Briefly explain.
  2. It  is true that the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 45 CFR 164.530 (c), it  includes all  medical record retention requirements you need to follow?  Briefly explain.
  3. Where  would you find HIPAA administrative simplification rules  for covered entities  on retention requirements of health record  documentation?
  4. How  long does CMS require Medicare managed care programs providers to retain  records?
  5. The  Medicare program requires that medical records need to be in what format to be  audited?
  6. What  agency has developed the initial set of standards and  certification for EHRs in  order to promote health information exchange  and interoperability?
  7. What  is a core requirement for physicians and other providers to qualify to receive  incentive payments under “HITECH Act”?
  8. What  does HITECH stand for?
  9. What  is the CMS website for information on the EHR Incentive Program?

As  requirements are changing for EHR technology, it is important  that you, as an  HIT professional, understand the requirements and who  is responsible for  overseeing standards, implementation specifications,  and certification criteria  for EHRs.

  1. List two       (2) links to websites provided by CMS that provide additional information       to health care providers.
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