Assignment Comprehensive Patient Assessment
Assignment Comprehensive Patient Assessment
1. Comprehensive Write-up Guide Assignment on Comprehensive Patient Assessment
To complete:
Write an 8- to 10-page comprehensive paper that addresses the following:
1. General patient information a. Age b. Race/ethnicity c. Partner status
2. Current health status a. Chief concern/complaint and history of present illness (include a complete symptom analysis of chief complaint(s) utilizing OLDCART for a sick/problem focused visit) b. Last menstrual period or year of menopause c. DES exposure (if born between 1948 and 1971) d. Sexual activity status e. Barrier prevention f. Sexual preference g. Satisfaction with sexual relations
3. Contraception method (if any)
4. Patient history a. Past medical history • Major medical events (including pediatric events) • Psychological and mental health • Surgeries and/or hospitalizations if pertinent • Medications, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, home and herbal remedies, calcium, and vitamin supplements • Allergies, including drug, food, and environment
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· Health maintenance/screenings, including results of patient’s last Pap and mammogram as appropriate, as well as previous vaccinations (HPV, MMR, hepatitis B, last dT, and pneumovax/influenza as appropriate)
4. b. Family medical history
5. c. Gynecologic history • Nullipara vs. multipara • History of sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases • Menarche and menstrual patterns • Menopause or peri-menopausal symptoms (if applicable)
6. d. Obstetric history • Gravida and parity status (TPAL) • Pregnancy history, including history of preterm or low birth weight, other pregnancy complications, history of sexually transmitted diseases, and any pertinent negatives
7. e. Personal social history (as appropriate to the current problem) • Cultural background • Education and economic condition • Abuse history including assault and forced sex (past and current) • Occupational health patterns • Environment • Current health habits and/or risk factors • Substance use (must include for every patient) • Tobacco including frequency and longevity • Alcohol including results of CAGE unless patient has never used • Recreational drug use (past and current) • Exercise and physical activity • Diet and nutrition • Sleep • Caffeine
5. Review of systems (ROS) a. Must include reproductive system as well as other pertinent systems (systems relevant to HPI should be included under HPI)
6. Physical exam a. General exam, including vital signs, height, weight, and BMI on every patient b. Physical exam focused on episodic complaint (include numbers of weeks gestation, fundal height, and fetal heart tones for OB patients)
7. Labs, tests, and other diagnostics
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a. Pertinent labs, test, and other diagnostics (include routine tests such as triple screen and urine dip for OB patients)
8. Differential diagnoses a. Explain why this set of differential diagnoses should be considered and why each diagnosis should be ruled in or ruled out.
9. Management plan a. Diagnosis b. Treatment c. Patient education d. Follow-up care
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.
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