Briefly introduce your next research section

Briefly introduce your next research section

Briefly introduce your next research sectionBriefly introduce your next research section
Title Here Student Name (First and Last) Panther ID Florida International University Month Year Literature Review This section is the literature review. You will need a minimum of three concepts to elaborate on relative to your research topic. Within this section “Literature Review” you are required to include one paragraph which gives a brief overview of what a literature review is and what concepts you plan to discuss. Briefly introduce your next research section. While this may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader at the beginning of each section. Overview of Literature Concept 1 Research your topic by reading articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials. Elaborate on one concept that stood out to you as important for your research topic. This section requires three paragraphs in length. Overview of Literature Concept 2 Research your topic by reading articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials. Elaborate on one concept that stood out to you as important for your research topic. This section requires three paragraphs in length. Overview of Literature Concept 3 Research your topic by reading articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials. Elaborate on one concept that stood out to you as important for your research topic. This section requires three paragraphs in length. References Remember that any reference in your reference list must be present in your paper in the form of a citation (Author, year). Likewise, any citation in your paper must be present in your reference list.
Refer to your APA Handbook 6th edition for more detailed information on developing a reference list. For your Assignment 2 you need a minimum of four (4) scholarly references. Assignment 2 Grading Rubric: Literature Review Criteria Points Possible Title of Proposed Topic/Research 10 Literature Review (Overview) 20 Overview of Literature Concept 1 20 Overview of Literature Concept 2 20 Overview of Literature Concept 3 20 References (Four Required) 10 Deductions: APA formatting, Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation at the College Level, Originality etc. Total Points Possible – 100 Running head: EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY The Effectiveness of Therapeutic massage therapy in chronic pain management Kristen Barahona Panther ID: 3791601 Assignment #1 Florida International University 2 EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY Introduction Defined as the process through which body’s soft tissue including muscles and body fluids are mobilized in a bid to restore the normal biomechanical and functional mechanism, therapeutic massage therapy has become a common subject of attention among researchers. While a variety of uses have been proposed for massage therapy, the most important one is its use in relieving of pain. Through such mechanisms as relaxing painful joints, tendons and muscles; relieving anxiety and stress; and even aiding in closing pain gate or impending pain messages to the brain, therapeutic massage is reduce pain (Gentile et al., 2018). Studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of massage therapy for pain management involving different diseases and body systems. Field (2016) found a significant reduction in hand pain and increased firmness in holding among patients after four weekly massage sessions. Another study found significant reduction in neck pain among patients after sixty minute massage therapy (Lee et al., 2015). While studies continue to be published on the effectiveness of therapeutic massage, little is being done to affect the procedure among patients with chronic pain who should need it most. In this paper, we shall seek to understand how effective massage therapy is in chronic pain management. Background Chronic pain is a critical issue in the US that has become a topic of attention among researchers and policy makers. According to Dahlhamer et al., (2018) in 2016, at least 20.4% of US adults had chronic pain with 8.0% being high impact. Chronic pain is a major cause for American adults to seek medical attention. Chronic pain is associated with restricted mobility, anxiety and depression and increased dependence due to reduction in daily activities (Gentile et al., 2018). However, the relationship of chronic pain with opioids 3 EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY addition is the major concern for the US healthcare system. Chronic pain increases a patient’s chances of addition of opioids by at least 40% (B Dennis et al., 2016). Moreover, the combination of chronic pain and addiction to opioids causes negative changes in the structure and function of the brain (Smallwood et al., 2019). Consequently, researchers have sought to develop other methods for relieving pain among patients with chronic illnesses in both hospitals and at home. While several studies shows that patients with chronic pain benefit from constant massage therapy with additional information showing that lack of massage may result in additional complications, their effectiveness has not been properly rated. In this paper, the researcher will seek to understand the effectiveness of massage therapy in chronic pain management when compared to the use of pharmaceuticals. General Problem Statement The general problem is the lack of a measure of effectiveness of therapeutic massage therapy in relieving pain in chronically ill patients. Chronic pain affecting millions of Americans and is a significant public health concern which needs an immediate solution. As noted, chronic pain causes a decline in quality of lives of millions of adults as it affects physical and social lives. Moreover, having chronic pain increases the chances of an individual to develop opioid addiction and hence deteriorate their lives further. While the current standard procedure for pain management which involves the use of opioids is hence not effective in the management of chronic pain, the alternative, therapeutic massage therapy has not been effectively studied to determine its effectiveness. There is limited knowledge on the effectiveness of massage therapy in relieving pain among chronically ill patients. If therapeutic massage will be used in management of pain, physicians and other healthcare professionals must know just how effective it is in relieving pain. Research in the area leave out the level of pain relieve that results from massage therapy and hence a quantitative 4 EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY measure of the effective of massage therapy. There lacks a rating scale measuring the level of pain relieve resulting from therapeutic massage. Specific Problem Statement The specific problem is the lack of a rating scale that shows the level of pain relieve after a therapeutic massage therapy. Without a method to quantitatively measure the level of pain relieve that comes after a therapeutic massage session, it is hard to determine its effectiveness and advocate for its use to replace opioids in healthcare. The researcher will seek to identify measures that could be used to measure the effects of therapeutic massage therapy quantitatively. Quantifying the level of pain relieve experienced after a therapeutic massage session would allow for comparison with other methods used in pain management. Purpose Statement The purpose of this research is to quantitatively determine the effectiveness of massage therapy in relieving chronic pain. While researcher has shown that therapeutic massage relieves pain among patients of chronic diseases, there is not a measure that shows the extent of pain relieve resulting from the procedure. Researchers rely on subjective data such as patient behavior and general feeling to conclude that massage therapy works in relieving pain. However, in order for massage therapy to be used as a tool for pain management in chronic patients, the extent of relieve must be quantitatively measured. Research questions To address the research problem stated above, this research seeks to answer the following research questions: 1. What is the level of pain relieve resulting from therapeutic massage therapy based on a standard pain measurement scale? 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY 2. What type of therapeutic massage results in the quantified level of pain relieve based on a standard pain measurement scale? 3. How long does the therapeutic massage therapy take to achieve the level of pain relieve? 6 EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY References B Dennis, B., Bawor, M., Paul, J., Plater, C., Pare, G., Worster, A., … & Thabane, L. (2016). Pain and opioid addiction: A systematic review and evaluation of pain measurement in patients with opioid dependence on methadone maintenance treatment. Current drug abuse reviews, 9(1), 49-60. Dahlhamer, J., Lucas, J., Zelaya, C., Nahin, R., Mackey, S., DeBar, L., … & Helmick, C. (2018). Prevalence of chronic pain and high-impact chronic pain among adults— United States, 2016. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 67(36), 1001. Field, T. (2016). Knee osteoarthritis pain in the elderly can be reduced by massage therapy, yoga and tai chi: a review. Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 22, 87-92. Gentile, D., Boselli, D., O’Neill, G., Yaguda, S., Bailey-Dorton, C., & Eaton, T. A. (2018). Cancer pain relief after healing touch and massage. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 24(9-10), 968-973. Lee, S. H., Kim, J. Y., Yeo, S., Kim, S. H., & Lim, S. (2015). Meta-analysis of massage therapy on cancer pain. Integrative cancer therapies, 14(4), 297-304. Smallwood, R. F., Price, L. R., Campbell, J. L., Garrett, A. S., Atalla, S. W., Monroe, T. B., … & Robin, D. A. (2019). Network alterations in comorbid chronic pain and opioid addiction: an exploratory approach. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 13, 174. Discussion 1 My research topic is ‘The effectiveness of massage therapy in chronic pain management.’ With an increase in the prevalence of chronic pain among Americans, it has become necessary to look for additional measures to relieve it to add to pharmaceutical methods. Moreover, most drugs used in the pharmaceutical management of pain, including opioids are highly addictive and cause additional challenges in the quality of health and lives of individuals. One method that has been identified as having the potential to help relieve pain is massage therapy. However, the effectiveness of therapeutic massage therapy in relieving pain is not quite understood. Therefore, I choose this topic to help increase the understanding of massage therapy as a method of pain management to evaluate it for use in relieving chronic pain. This is after seeing a lot of inconclusive information on the topic. The topic, use of massage therapy in chronic pain management is vital in healthcare services as it helps deal with important healthcare issues. Among the most pressing issues that the topic will deal with are pain management, opioids addiction and financial implications of pain management. Consequently, the topic is vital to effective healthcare delivery. Summary of Introduction Massage therapy involves the manipulation of body tissues including tendons, muscles, and fluids which often restores their functional biochemistry. Research shows that through a variety of mechanisms including relieving stress, closing the gates of pain, relaxing and reducing stress, and impending the transfer of pain to the brain, massage therapy reduces the pain experienced by a patient. A variety of studies shows the effectiveness of massage therapy in reducing back pain, restoring the function of painful extremities and other parts of the body. However, there is no conclusive evidence to show effectiveness in relation to other methods of pain relief. To fully understand the effectiveness of massage therapy in relieving chronic pain, it is necessary to compare it with other methods. The general problem is the lack of measures to effectively determine the effectiveness of massage therapy in relieving pain in chronically ill patients. While research shows the presence of pain relieve due to therapeutic massage, there is no dependable measure of how much pain relief occurs after massage therapy especially in comparison with other methods. The purpose of my research is to quantitatively determine the effectiveness of massage therapy in relieving chronic pain. Research Question What is the level of pain relief resulting from therapeutic massage therapy based on a standard pain measurement scale? Resources Sheidaei, A., Abadi, A., Zayeri, F., Nahidi, F., Gazerani, N., & Mansouri, A. (2016). The effectiveness of massage therapy in the treatment of infantile colic symptoms: A randomized controlled trial. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 30, 351. (Links to an external site.) This article focuses on pain management in patients with infantile colic. This contributes to problems of maternal depression, parenting stress, and family mental health problems. It looks at how effective massage therapy is in reducing pain for people with infantile colic symptoms. Most importantly, it details the effectiveness in terms of the length required to achieve the desired pain relief in patients. Compared to lac, the research indicates positive outcomes on pain management and how patients respond to massage therapy and its ability to relief the pain in the patients. During a one-week intervention, constant massaging improved colic symptoms for all outcomes. Ramesh, C., Pai, V. B., Patil, N., Nayak, B. S., George, A., George, L. S., & Devi, E. S. (2015). Effectiveness of massage therapy on post-operative outcomes among patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2(3), 304312. (Links to an external site.) In this systematic review, the author looks at the ability of massage therapy to reduce pain among post-operative patients. The healthcare providers who care for patients during the post-operative period find it difficult to manage the individual’s pain and anxiety. The levels of stress and anxiety that result from cardiac surgery require more than pain management. In recent years, they have aimed their focus on doing complementary therapies to manage or alleviate any pain or anxiety an individual may have. In this study, the effectiveness of massage therapy is measured quantitatively. It is hence an important article for studying the effectiveness of massage therapy.
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