CARD 405 Week 4 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 4 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 4 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 4 Complete DeVry

CARD 405 Week 4 Discussions


CARD 405 Week 4 Complete DeVry



Although estimates vary, it is suggested that 80% or more of the job openings that exist are in thehidden job market. What is the difference between the published job market and the hidden job market? What techniques would you usually use to access the published job market? What techniques would you use to access the hidden job market?

And, if you are already a professional in your field and do not intend on seeking a different opportunity within the next 5 years, how might being aware of the hidden job market be of value to you? Additionally, many of you may be in a position to hire employees (or will be in the future). That noted, how might knowing about the hidden job market impact your strategy to recruit and hire qualified candidates?


For this discussion, let’s share feedback with one another. Include the link to the Elevator Pitch you created in Week 3. Be sure to include the link that will allow everyone to view your Elevator Pitch. Then, let’s offer one another feedback.

Share your feedback with your colleagues here by mentioning specifically the strengths of their Elevator Pitch. Was it something they said? Was it their eloquence that you found striking and clear? Was it the quality and thoroughly enriching responses they offered that made their Pitch particularly strong? Was it something about their body language? Or something else? Be thorough and clear in your feedback. Share feedback with at least 2 classmates.



This week, we will be focusing on your electronic presence during the job search. Many employers utilize social media sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and GlassDoor, as a means of obtaining new employees. This is why it is so important to present a positive image in the digital realm.

For this week’s assignment, you will be required to create a professional LinkedIn account. There are many resources available to you in the My Compass to My Career portal to help you with this process. The Build an ePortfolio and Optimize Social Media Profiles page under the Develop tab explains the importance of this assignment and things to consider when developing your online presence. There are also many LinkedIn tutorials found in the Video Tutorial section.

To begin:

  • If you do not have a LinkedIn account already, you will need to sign up for one.
  • Once you have an account, you will need to build your profile.
  • For this assignment, you must include the following items in your profile.
    • A professional photo
    • A headline message that is geared towards your target job
      • LinkedIn grants you 120 characters in which to write a tagline about yourself.
      • Refer to your branding message/elevator speech to develop this.
    • A work/volunteer and education history that is focused towards your target job
    • One group that pertains to the student’s selected target job (student must join the group)
    • One leader in a field that relates to the selected target job (student must connect with leader)
  • Once complete, you will need to submit a copy to the link of your LinkedIn profile.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.

LinkedIn Profile Assignment Points


Appropriate photo is included. 17
A headline/tagline message is included in the profile. 17
The profile is complete and includes an appropriate education and work history. 17
Student is a member of a least one group that relates to his or her targeted job goal. 17
Student is connected with at least one leader in a field that relates to his or her selected target job. 17
 Format/Grammar There are no grammar or spelling errors within the assignment. 5
Total 90
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