Concepts in Community and Public Health

Concepts in Community and Public Health

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Concepts in Community and Public Health

Course Description

This course focuses on the community as a large system of people of varying cultures, spiritual values, geographic norms, and economic conditions, all influenced by social-legal-political variables that impact individual and community health. Particular attention is paid to vulnerable subgroups in the community. Emphasis is placed on critical analysis, using epidemiological data and functional health pattern assessments to plan and intervene in areas of health promotion and disease prevention.

Course Materials

Community and Public Health: The Future of Health Care


Community and Public Health: The Future of Health Care


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Explore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.


World Health Organization


Explore the World Health Organization (WHO) website.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Explore the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website.


California Department of Aging


Explore the California Department of Aging website. In addition, explore the relevant public health website for your own county or state.


American Public Health Association


Explore the American Public Health Association (APHA) website.


Jackson County Healthy Communities Coalition


Explore the Jackson County Health Department (JCHCC) website. In addition, explore the relevant public health site for your own county or state.


Maricopa County Public Health


Explore the Maricopa County Public Health website. In addition, explore the relevant public health site for your own county or state.


California Department of Public Health


Explore the California Department of Public Health website. In addition, explore the relevant public health site for your own county or state.


Medical Reserve Corps


Explore the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) website.

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