Discuss the five advocacy actions aimed in handling mental health

Discuss the five advocacy actions aimed in handling mental health

Discuss the five advocacy actions aimed in handling mental healthDiscuss the five advocacy actions aimed in handling mental health

Advocacy actions involve the support or recommendation on a particular cause of concern to influence people’s opinions and decisions. Nurses can use their clinical expertise to provide policymakers with objective information about the effects of health policy proposals on patients and the health care system. The five advocacy actions aimed at handling the issue of mental health include; one, educate policymakers and the public on the issue of mental health. In this case, a nurse advocating for increased funding for mental health research, it is essential to educate policymakers and the public about the importance of the research in discovering new strategies aimed at handling mental illness. When nurses are patients and caregivers themselves, they can help policymakers understand the real-world consequences of health policy proposals (SUNDEAN, 2019). Two, building a coalition with other organizations. In this case, a nurse advocating for increased funding for mental health research need to build coalitions with various organizations that hold to a similar strategy aimed at supporting the issue. To help patients and the health care system, nurses can use their voices to speak out. There are many ways nurses can express their concerns about health policy proposals, such as writing letters to the editor or testifying at public hearings (SUNDEAN, 2019).

Discuss the five advocacy actions aimed in handling mental health

Three, use the media to spread the message. In this case, a nurse advocating for mental health need to write op-eds or letters to the editor, conduct interviews to the media, or create social media posts concerning the issue. Four, reach out to elected officials. In this case, it is essential to email elected officials as way of expressing your support for increased funding for mental health research. Lastly, demonstrate individual support for the issue. In this case, it is essential to attend rallies or protests, or write letters to the editor in support of increased funding for mental research. There are many ways in which nurses can advocate for change in the healthcare system. Nursing can serve on hospital or health system boards, task forces and committees to help shape policy decisions that affect patients and the health care system.

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