Does Alkhenizan and Shaw assert that health care professionals

Does Alkhenizan and Shaw assert that health care professionals

Does Alkhenizan and Shaw assert that health care professionalsDoes Alkhenizan and Shaw assert that health care professionals

Alkhenizan and Shaw (2012) assert that health care professionals may be unconvinced of the merits of health care accreditation. In general, should health care professionals be skeptical of accreditation? Why or why not? What are 2 conditions that would need to exist for a health care organization to be sustainable without possessing accreditation? Explain.

Processes for ensuring patient and staff safety are one of the main purposes of accreditation programs. This is reflected strongest in the JCAHO model. This program requires the health care organizations to have safety team or leader. It highlights critical process issues such as performance assessment for hazardous medicine management, safety tests for point-of-care technology (including

HCA 812 Week 4 Discussion Question Two

HCA 812 Week 4 Discussion Question Two

accuracy), universal protocols for preventing wrong site, wrong procedure and wrong person in surgery or invasive procedures, the compulsory reporting of adverse drug or other events and root cause analysis of all adverse events [7-9,11,17,18,28-45]. The CCHSA is the other program with a particular strong focus on safety. The CCHSA Environment standards include provisions regarding the safety of equipment, supplies, medical devices and space, and focus on the appropriateness of furniture and equipment for customers’ age [46].

Does Alkhenizan and Shaw assert that health care professionals – Nurses Homework | Nurses Homework

The third attribute, improving integration and management of health services, was also strongly reflected in comments about the JACHO program [10,12,19,22,27,47-49]. The JCAHO accreditation program is noted for its performance indicators such as the QIO (The Quality Improvement Organization) indicator of Medicare and Medicaid or ORYX (performance measurement systems). The intent of these attributes is the extent of standardization of procedures, such as deliver of rapid results to patients outside the laboratory [8]. This is also a strong feature of the CCHSA [22,27,50].

Providing a database to publish accreditation information and comparisons among health care organizations is another purpose of accreditation. JCAHO and its international version (JCI) are the only programs reported to have established a database for comparison between accredited organizations [22,51].

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A key purpose of accreditation is to strengthen the public’s confidence in the quality of health care. Public reporting is one aspect of this but so is stakeholder engagement. The JCAHO and CCHSA programs seemed to be stronger than other programs in on this indictor [4,6,7,11,17-19,22,28,46,52-54].

The effectiveness and efficiency of health care services is of increasing interest to government, funders, and consumers. None of the programs was strong on this attribute [55].

Internationalization is one attribute of broader acceptance of programs, although clearly it also reflects active marketing. JCAHO has established a specific international branch, the JCI, which appears to be unique to this program. It is also evident that JCAHO is actively collaborating with the WHO as a consultant body to reduce medical errors [1,9,56], and with the USAID and other international organizations [57]. Other programs such as the ACHS also have international activity, but this appears to be at a lower level.

Innovation and currency are two important attributes for quality assurance organizations so evidence of regular updating of standards and development of standards for new fields is important. JCAHO regularly updates their standards [10,13-15,42,47,51,58-66], was the first program to introduce QI (Quality Improvement) programs to the health care industry [10], introduced special standards for pain management [60,62,67,68], hospital libraries [51,63,66], tobacco smoking control in the health care centers [58] and pastoral care [59]. Other programs have also responded to new areas or local needs, for example CCHSA introduced standards for Telehealth [50,69] and ANAES of France established accreditation of colleges [70].

An important attribute of the standing of different programs is the extent to which they influence global standards and other accreditation programs (the role of reference program). According to the WHO reports, the JCAHO, CCHSA, ANAES, and ACHS programs have had the most influence on the global accreditation standards [56]. According to the peak international quality standards organization, ISQua the programs from USA, UK, Canada, Australia and France were the most influential on the European accreditation standards. Attention to patients’ rights and creating an ethical environment in the health care centers are important issues in health care quality. The JCAHO program pays excellent attention to the effective communication with patient, providing required information to them, patients’ essential rights in health care centers, and the importance of effective informed consent. It also has a strong focus on other patient centered standards for example in palliative care and pain management, and overall patient satisfaction.


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