Evaluating A Quantitative Research Study

Evaluating A Quantitative Research Study

Evaluating A Quantitative Research Study. Description: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will demonstrate an understanding of the basic

elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.Evaluating A Quantitative Research Study

Course Competencies: 1) Examine the relationships among theory, practice, and research. 2)

Interpret research findings using the elements of the research process. 3) Differentiate between

ethical and legal precepts that guide research conduct and protect human subjects. 4) Integrate

reliable evidence from multiple ways of knowing, to inform practice and make clinical

Evaluating A Quantitative Research Study – Nurses Homework | Nurses Homework

judgments. 5) Evaluate data from relevant sources, including technology, to inform the delivery

of care to culturally and ethnically diverse populations. 6) Collaborate with health team

members to collect, interpret, synthesize and disseminate evidence to improve patient outcomes

in complex health care environments.

QSEN Competency: 3) Evidence-Based Practice

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