GCU PSY693 All Weeks Discussions: Professional Capstone

GCU PSY693 All Weeks Discussions: Professional Capstone

GCU PSY693 All Weeks Discussions: Professional Capstone

PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Reflection is a very important aspect of the learning process that has been emphasized by
many experts as a defining characteristic of professional practice. Take some
time and reflect on your master’s education. Practically speaking, what were
the most valuable aspect of your journey thus far (assignments, projects,
activities, etc.)? What have been the biggest challenges? Finally, speculate
how this degree will enhance your future and align with your passions.

DQ2 What
more would you like to investigate in order to better prepare you for your
future career/aspirations? Be sure to include expert recommendations (while
some may be general, many are field/career specific).

PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Why is goal setting so critical to personal and professional success? What makes a
goal more likely to be accomplished? Be sure to integrate expert sources from
the assigned readings or from your own research.

DQ2 Refer
to the Smart Goal resources. List one short- and long-term professional and
career goal (4 total), along with practical substeps to achieve them. Be sure
to include dates. What might be some potential challenges for each? How can you
prevent some of these foreseeable hurdles?

PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 What did you enjoy the most about developing an original research proposal? What was
the most challenging aspect? Do you plan to follow-through with this study? Why
or why not? Feel free to share any other thoughts relating to your study’s

DQ2 Revisit the Peer Review Forum Activity and review two additional presentations. Comment
on the learner’s proposals, addressing the following:



Ethical Concerns

Needing Clarity


PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 After reading the suggested articles listed for this week, please answer the
following questions:

What are
the benefits of publishing original research?

What steps
should one take to realistically accomplish this goal?

DQ2 Do you
plan to publish your research? Why or why not? What might be some challenges to
the process?


PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Why are you pursuing your career of choice? Do you feel you’ve adequately researched
this avenue? How important do you feel it is to pursue your passion?

DQ2 Post two prospective career paths you plan to pursue and why. Include income range,
education needed, and any other important factors that were unveiled in your
research for this week’s assignment.

posts: Be sure to ADD to the post, including other factors that may not have
been mentioned. Please include at least ONE question for the student you
commented on.

PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 After exploring the resources for this week, please answer the following questions:

What does professional growth mean to you?

Why is networking so important? How can you do this more?

How important is continued education for your future success?

DQ2 After researching various professional development opportunities, what short term
plan of action (1-3 years) will you take to remain current in your field? Be
sure to address networking, professional organizations, journals, continued
education, etc.


PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Take at least one online Leadership assessment. What type of leader are you? What other
leadership skills do you possesses? What areas can you improve upon?

DQ2 Why is effective leadership so integral to career (and overall life) success? Be sure
to share important “take-always” from this week’s leader interview.

PSY693 Professional Capstone

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Why is a well-developed Curriculum Vitae (CV) so important? What are some important
elements to include in a CV? Why are these specific elements so important?

DQ2 For this second discussion topic, you will be critiquing one another’s CV. Develop
(or update) and post a copy of your current Curriculum Vitae (CV). Feel free to
utilize the Curriculum Vitae Template listed in the resources area. Comment on
at least TWO learner’s CVs. Be sure to include suggestions for improvement
(e.g., format, content)

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