Health disparities in area you live in

Health disparities in area you live in

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT : Health disparities in area you live inHealth disparities in area you live in

Health disparities are found in all areas of the country, with different disparities in different parts of the country. Think about the area you live in – what three health determinants can you think of that impact your geographic location. For example, in rural areas, disparities can include lack of health insurance, lack of access to educational resources, and higher rates of cancer due to living conditions. In suburban areas, disparities can include diabetes, lack of access to preventative care, and exposure to possible toxins. In urban areas, disparities can include income gaps, exposure to illegal drugs, and an increase in the potential for violence.

Assignment Description:

For this assignment, start by listing the three disparities in your area and then discuss why you chose those three. Next, using state and local health department websites, look up the rates of your chosen disparities. Create a bar chart to show the incident rates of the three disparities and then discuss what you found.


Diabetes – the area I live and work in has high rates of diabetes due to many people having public insurance plans and they do not have a PCP or they do not visit the doctor regularly for blood sugar checks. I would estimate that at least 50% of the population has diabetes.
Cancer – the area I live in has many people in their late 30’s and early 40’s who do not see their doctor regularly and therefore do not get preventative testing, so cancer rates are high since it’s not caught at an early stage. I would estimate that the percentage rate of cancer is about 45%.

Health disparities in area you live in – Nurses Homework | Nurses Homework

Obesity – due to suburban areas, most people do not work out regularly. We also have many fast food restaurants all around and they always seem busy, so the rate of obesity should be pretty high. I would estimate the percentage of citizens in my area that meet the criteria for obesity is around 75%.
Actual rates (Retrieved from

Diabetes – 11.7% of the state population
Cancer – 4.6% of the state population
Obesity – 30.1%
Based upon the actual data, I assumed that the percentages were much higher than they actually are.

Evaluation Criteria:

Grading Criteria Points
Define three disparities

Chart included to compare disparities
Include references in APA format, minimum of 2 sources
Uploaded assignment on time in Word document


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The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.

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