History and Process of Nursing Research

History and Process of Nursing Research

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT: History and Process of Nursing Research

History and Process of Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Process


  1. Examine the importance of nursing research in improving patient
  2. Identify critical elements of evidence-based
  3. Evaluate a clinical problem using the PICOT

Study Materials

Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice


Read Chapter 1 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice. 

Exploring the Evidence. Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research


Read “Exploring the Evidence. Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research,” by Rutberg and Bouikidis, from Nephrology Nursing Journal(2018).

 Searching Nursing Databases


 Read the strategies and tips located on “Searching Nursing Databases” on the GCU Library website to assist you in searching the main nursing and health sciences databases. View the associated tutorials as needed.

 Writing in APA


 View the “Writing in APA” tutorial,” located in the Writing Center in the Student Success Center.

 Library Walk Through Tutorial


 View the “Library Walk Through Tutorial.”

 EBP: Evidence Based Practice


 Read “EBP: Evidence Based Practice,” located in the Student Success Center.



 Read “Plagiarism,” located on the GCU Library website, for information on how to avoid plagiarism.

Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers


 Read “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers,” by Majid et al., from Journal of the Medical Library Association (2011).

Formulating a Researchable Question: A Criticle Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research


 Read “Formulating a Researchable Question: A Criticle Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research,” by Aslam and Emmanuel, from Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS (2010).

To Make Your Case, Start with a PICOT Question


 Read “To Make Your Case, Start with a PICOT Question,” by Echevarria and Walker, from Nursing 2014(2014).

Chapter 7: The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation


 Read “Chapter 7: The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation,” by Titler, from the online eBook, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (2008), located on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website.

APA Basics


 Reference the “APA Basics” information, located on the GCU Library website, to assist with the APA format and documentation of sources required for the assignment.

GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources


Reference the “GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources” resource for information on how to cite sources properly.

Literature Evaluation Table


 Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” resource to complete the PICOT Question and Literature Search assignment.

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