How to Formulate a PICOT Research Question

How to Formulate a PICOT Research Question


How to Formulate a PICOT Research Question

Overview: Final Project Milestone Three In Milestone Two, you formulated your PICO(T) question. For Milestone Three, you will construct an annotated bibliography by using your PICO(T) to guide your research. The annotated bibliography will assist you in gathering a detailed list of resources to use in your integrative review of the literature. An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources with an accompanying paragraph that describes, explains, and/or evaluates each entry in terms of quality, authority, and relevance. The purpose of writing an annotated bibliography is to provide an overview of the research that has been published on a particular topic. Prompt: For this milestone, you will prepare an annotated bibliography with at least six citations.

How to Formulate a PICOT Research Question – Nurses Homework | Nurses Homework

An annotation concisely paraphrases the main idea and purpose of the selected resource. The annotation of a scholarly journal should identify the thesis (or research question, or hypothesis), the methods used, and its discussion or conclusions. Remember that identifying the purpose is a different task than listing the resource’s contents. To be more precise, the annotation should state why the contents are there. While constructing your annotations, be sure to include the following critical elements: ? Restate argument or thesis, methods, and conclusions (1–2 sentences) ? Evaluate/critique resource (1–2 sentences) ? Make connection to PICO(T) question (1–2 sentences) Guidelines for Submission: Your annotated bibliography must be submitted as a 4–6 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and six sources cited in APA format. Your chosen sources must be recent (within the last five years), peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles, and should appear in alphabetical order.

How to Formulate a PICOT Research Question

The PICOT Statement: Some Facts and Overview

PICOT is one of the consistent formats or formulae used to formulate the Research questions. Upfront, it may look like an easy task or job to do; but it is more peculiar than that. In order to develop a PICOT research question in the statement a large amount of data is required for setting the precedence. Unplanned gathering and compiling of the data will render to the failure of the whole process and eventually, the research question formation will be a failure. Thus, the creation of the research question is time consuming and require a lot of brainstorming. PICOT is generally used to create research questions regarding to: P (Patients), I (Intervention), C (Comparison), O (Outcome) and T (Time).

While jotting down the questions for the statements, one must have adequate knowledge of the matter to be written about. In the given scenario, the writer must be aware of his surroundings and the condition of the parent put under the examination. The patient is the sole reason for the conduction of the study in the first place. Therefore, the format of the questions remains flexible and could be changed as per the requirement. The people generally fail to comprehend the PICOT statements and are unable to harness the quality it produces.
PICOT Questions for Nursing Research

Forming research material and questions for the Nursing teams is one of the most critical parts of the evaluations being carried out. It is important to be flexible because the things are perceived differently by different people. One needs to rely on the current position of the patient in order to formulate proper questions.

In order to make a proper research question, it is important to choose a proper standard format for the development of question. The template can be as follows:

P: It stands for the patient i.e. to adjudge as if what is the problem that is faced by the patient, who he is and what lead him to the issue.

I stands for the intervention exposure one is allowed in order to ask questions and retrieve the information. It needs to be evaluated as to how should they be treated and who can do it.

C stands for the compassion derived. It can be used to compare the effect of intervention and how the result can be compared.

O stands for the outcome of the whole procedure and what lead to the results. It is to be evaluated as if the result is positive or negative.

T stands for the time constraint. It helps to define the timeframe under which the whole scenario should be created and how will the actions follow up.

The above stated template will help to form an effective question and answer which will be able to grasp the matter effectively. Once the data is gathered and stratified, it will become easy to

The PICOT question helps in evaluating the ability of the nursing students as to how much capable they are and how much preparation they have in order to pass the final graduate nursing exam. This also helps the nursing students to choose their areas of specialization and the patients they wish to work on. There are many other benefits of having the PICOT questions as they help in the development of the individual. One must have knowledge as to how to develop a PICOT Question.

Following are the steps to formulate the PICOT research question:

The first step for the person preparing the questionnaire should be as to as to what is the patient he needs to work on, the intervention exposure he can have on the patient, what comparison can be made and how the outcome will be perceived. Upon the deciding of the above constraints; the time for carrying out the whole process will be decided.

Once the above stated are decided, it is important to pay attention to the patient and to know all of it medical history and the reasons for the development of the same. This is a vital part of the PICOT Research Question.

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