Human Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1

2804NRS Human Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1

Assignment on Concept map on Human Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1

Students choose between: 1) Individual, written concept map; or 2) Individual, podcast/ video mini-lecture

The rationale for this case-based assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your clinical reasoning skills developed in the course thus far, demonstrating your capacity to differentiate normal from abnormal and to identify appropriate (evidence based) investigations and treatment modalities associated with the assigned case-study. The purpose of this assessment is for you to determine how the risk factors and mechanisms of cell injury/adaptation/repair relate to the diagnosis within an assigned case-study scenario from one of the studied systems (nervous, immune or musculoskeletal). You will also apply your understanding of the pathophysiology for the diagnosed disease with its clinical manifestations, and identify appropriate (evidence based) diagnostic tests/physical assessments, and treatment modalities for this case; skills which are necessary in everyday practice.

In your concept map you must:

1) Interpret the patient’s risk factors (from the case-study scenario) and determine how these risk factors may lead to cell pathology (based on the patient’s diagnosis);

2) Explain the links between cellular pathology and the pathophysiology of the diagnosed disease;

3) Describe how the pathophysiology of the disease accounts for the patient’s clinical manifestations (described in the case-study scenario); and

4) Analyze and interpret evidence based research to suggest appropriate diagnostic assessments and treatment modalities for the patient’s diagnosis.

In your 500 word written explanation you must:

1) Explain the links between the risk factors and aetiology to account for the disease’s pathophysiology.

2) Describe how the disease’s pathophysiology manifests through the patient’s signs and symptoms.

Choice 1: Individual, Written Assignment, concept map Total Marks: 30 Weighting: 30%

Length: 1 PowerPoint slide + 500 word explanation

Task description:

For this task you need to create a single (1) slide (using PowerPoint) concept map and 500 word explanation, demonstrating analysis of the case study emailed to you in week 1. A PowerPoint template file will be made available for you to customized based on your assigned case scenario.

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