National Breast Cancer Coalition

National Breast Cancer Coalition

National Breast Cancer Coalition

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the world. As a response the National Breast Cancer Coalition was created to fight breast cancer. The National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) is a non-profit and voluntary organization whose sole purpose is to eradicate breast cancer. NBCC aims to attract national attention towards breast cancer by working with advocates for change. NBCC informs, supports and directs all the individuals affected with breast cancer. Hence, in response NBCC works with the media, legislative and other key stakeholders to increase knowledge on breast cancer.



The mission of NBCC is to “Eradicate breast cancer through action and advocacy4”.

NBCC also aims to increase federal funding for breast cancer research and to monitor how these funds are disbursed5.

National Breast Cancer Coalition

NBCC also aims to expand health care quality for all.

NBCC also aims to ensure that all the trained advocates influence decisions pertaining to breast cancer.

NBCC aims to attain its mission by increasing education and awareness on breast cancer and by advocating for frequent breast cancer screenings in women6.

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4. National Breast Cancer Coalition (2013). About NBCC

5. America Charities (2014). National Breast ion (NBCC).

6.ibid The mission of the National Breast Cancer Coalition is to eradicate breast cancer through action and advocacy. Also, NBCC aims to increase federal funding for breast cancer research and to monitor how these funds are spent. Three, NBCC also aims to expand health care quality for all. Four, NBCC aims to ensure that all the trained advocates influence decisions pertaining to breast cancer. Lastly, NBCC aims to attain its mission by increasing education and awareness on breast cancer and by advocating for frequent breast cancer screenings in women.

4 Legislative Agenda

To allocate $150 million to the research program for Breast Cancer for the Financial year 2019 to increase research on the same7.

To propose a bill where Metastatic Breast Cancer serves as a eligible condition for Medicare coveragee.

To preserve the Medicaid Breast Cancer Treatment Program9.

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