Research and read at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis.

Research and read at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis.

Research and read at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis.

Read Chapter 12 in Applied Psychology in Talent Management.
Read the article Data Science and Predictive Analytics Enabling Better Hiring Mechanisms for Enterprises.
Research and read at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis.
Using the two articles you researched on human capital predictive analysis as well as any of this week’s required or recommended articles, discuss how predictive analysis is being used to help make human resource decisions. Additionally, address how, as managers, you might use predictive analysis to create a strategic global competitiveness from a company’s human assets. Be sure to give specific company examples to support your discussion and position on the topic.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly resource in addition to the text.!/4/2/4/2@0:0


Answer preview to research and read at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis.

Research and read at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis. APA

362 words

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