Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills
Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills
Assignment on Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills
The three strengths that I possess include; ability to complete accurately and thoroughly any physical exam that encompasses the patients using appropriate techniques as provisioned for in the diagnosis chart. I am also able to effectively communicate verbally as well as establish interpersonal communication with the patients and other staff within the healthcare facility, which is crucial in establishing a collaborative working relationship and a calm environment in which the patients can feel comfortable to articulate what they might be experiencing. The third strength is that I am a strong believer in patient education. All these three strengths complement each other and play a crucial role in ensuring that I am effective in patient handling as well as establishing close relationship with them. For example, the ability to carry out thorough and accurate physical exams and diagnosis on patients ensures that I am able to focus on the patient symptoms with more ease as well as effectively diagnose their condition. The effective verbal communication as well as interpersonal communication helps ensure that I can create a comfortable environment through which the patients can be able to narrate their medical history thus gives me an opportunity to effectively analyze their condition. The provision of patient education about the patient medication or examination helps ensures they gain autonomy and self-empowerment to control and manage their condition.
The three weaknesses that I have include; the lack of an understanding of the state’s nursing practice act, inability to add all differential patient diagnosis in my the patient assessment although I might carry out accurate assessments, as well as the need to improve on the use of medical literature and thus be able to plan treatment appropriately. I am currently working on gaining a better understanding of the nursing legal compliance within the state as well as ensuring that each day I undertake patient assessments and fill in the differential diagnosis to ensure that the assessments are not only accurate but also comprehensive (Schober, 2016). I am currently working on improving my understanding of medical literature as well as taking time to research and understand more on the pathology of diseases and their treatment plans.
The clinical skills that I intent to acquire before exiting the program include; cultural competency skills, critical thinking skills as well as decision making skills, all which will help ensure that I am able to expedite my duties as a nurse better. The acquisition of the cultural competency skills will help ensure that I am able to not only communicate but also understand information from patients drawn from diverse backgrounds (Buppert, 2015). This will be achieved by ensuring that I spend time with colleagues drawn from different backgrounds as well as read widely on the various cultures and their practices. The critical thinking and decision-making skills will be honed through active practice, in which I will ensure that in every engagement I am involved try to critically think before making the decision as well as evaluating the various scenarios and circumstances at hand before making the final decision.
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