The Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

The Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

The Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

1. Read Chapter 1 of from your Comer text. (Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology)

Based on your reading of the first two chapters, prepare to discuss the science of psychopathology. Ensure the follow components are included in your contribution to the discussion:

Practicing professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, etc.)

The work of clinical researchers


2. Read Chapter 5 in your Comer textbook. (Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology)

Prepare to engage in discussion identifying implications of a disorder related to trauma and stress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder. Be sure to address the following in your discussion:

The fight or flight response

Causality and treatment of stress disorders

An emphasis on psycho physiological and psychosomatic disorders

Your personal experiences and ways of dealing with stress

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The Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

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