What is your third key point?

What is your third key point?

What is your third key point?What is your third key point


What is the issue you will be addressing that is connected to your potential field or major?

State your position on this issue.

What is your first key point?

  1. What is your second key point?
  2. What is your third key point?
  3. Now, combine your answers to prompts 2–5 to construct your thesis statement.

1 Mandatory Vaccination in Healthcare Setting Lisa Calvo SNHU Emily Eddy ENG – 123 January 22, 2023 2 Mandatory Vaccination in Healthcare Setting Main Argument One main argument I would discuss in my persuasive essay is the implementation of mandatory vaccination in health care settings. In the field of healthcare, this argument is relevant as it would stir both support and criticism from healthcare practitioners and professionals. Furthermore, the practice of mandatory vaccination is relevant to my major as a healthcare practitioner as it emphasizes the need to immunize and protect both healthcare workers and patients. In this case, mandatory vaccinations would ensure the safety of all individuals in the healthcare setting (Smith et al., 2021). The potential challenges that I may encounter in supporting my argument with a specific audience are the ethical implications of making vaccinations mandatory.

What is your third key point?


Thus, this argument would receive various audiences, including those who believe it is a wise decision and those who believe it would be unethical. Audiences and Challenges In Addressing Them The main audience of this essay would mainly include healthcare professionals, workers, and policymakers. These audiences within the healthcare field would be suitable because they are involved and affected by various implementations of healthcare policies. Healthcare workers as the audiences also would help to give practical reasons for and against implementing healthcare policies. The challenge in addressing this audience is ensuring they understand the ethical implications of making vaccinations mandatory and the importance of implementing these protocols to protect public health. Additionally, I will need to address the concerns of healthcare professionals regarding the safety of the vaccines and the potential risks associated with the immunization process. Goal Of This Essay 3 The goal of this essay is to convince healthcare professionals of the importance of implementing mandatory vaccinations in healthcare settings. To meet this goal, this essay will need to present a clear, concise, well-elaborated, evidenced argument demonstrating the importance of immunization as a form of preventative care. The are several key points that will help support my argument. The first point is that vaccines are one of the most effective tools when controlling and protecting people against most communicable diseases. In addition, mandatory vaccination, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is ethically justified if it is used to reduce harm and benefit the patient in particular (Smith et al., 2021). The third point supporting my essay is that the potential risks of lack of immunization are more farreaching than the risks of mandatory vaccination. Sources The two sources that would help to support my key points are Good reasons to vaccinate: Mandatory or payment for risk? By Savulescu. J and Parental attitudes towards mandatory vaccination; a systematic review by Smith, L. E., Hodson, A., & Rubin, G. J. The first source discusses the ethical implications of vaccinating people against the COVID-19 virus and provides evidence that providing financial incentives may be a more ethical approach, as it does not force people to participate (Savulescu, 2021). The second source is a systematic review that examines the beliefs of various parents’ views and mindsets about mandatory vaccination schemes. The authors found that most parents support mandatory vaccination, but some remain hesitant due to safety concerns and a lack of trust in the medical system (Smith et al.., 2021). This source provides evidence from previous studies to support that vaccination must be mandatory to prevent post-natal diseases. How I will Intergrade Evidence In the Essay and Instructors Feedback 4 I plan to effectively integrate evidence into the essay by providing a clear and concise argument demonstrating the importance of immunization as a form of preventative care. I will use the respective sources to provide evidence for my argument and to support my key points. I will make sure to cite the sources I use to back up my argument, as this will demonstrate my research skills and provide credibility to my argument. The feedback I received from my instructor on previous assignments has been invaluable in helping me to further refine my argument. My instructor has helped to identify potential sources of evidence that could be used to support my argument. This feedback has been instrumental in helping me to refine my argument and to ensure that my essay is clear and concise. 5 References Savulescu, J. (2021). Good reasons to vaccinate: Mandatory or payment for risk? Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(2), 78-85. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2020-106821 Smith, L. E., Hodson, A., & Rubin, G. J. (2021). Parental attitudes towards mandatory vaccination; a systematic review. Vaccine, 39(30), 4046–4053 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.06.018 1 Mandatory Vaccination in Healthcare Setting Lisa Calvo SNHU Emily Eddy ENG – 123 January 22, 2023 2 Mandatory Vaccination in Healthcare Setting Main Argument One main argument I would discuss in my persuasive essay is the implementation of mandatory vaccination in health care settings. In the field of healthcare, this argument is relevant as it would stir both support and criticism from healthcare practitioners and professionals. Furthermore, the practice of mandatory vaccination is relevant to my major as a healthcare practitioner as it emphasizes the need to immunize and protect both healthcare workers and patients. In this case, mandatory vaccinations would ensure the safety of all individuals in the healthcare setting (Smith et al., 2021). The potential challenges that I may encounter in supporting my argument with a specific audience are the ethical implications of making vaccinations mandatory. Thus, this argument would receive various audiences, including those who believe it is a wise decision and those who believe it would be unethical. Audiences and Challenges In Addressing Them The main audience of this essay would mainly include healthcare professionals, workers, and policymakers. These audiences within the healthcare field would be suitable because they are involved and affected by various implementations of healthcare policies. Healthcare workers as the audiences also would help to give practical reasons for and against implementing healthcare policies. The challenge in addressing this audience is ensuring they understand the ethical implications of making vaccinations mandatory and the importance of implementing these protocols to protect public health. Additionally, I will need to address the concerns of healthcare professionals regarding the safety of the vaccines and the potential risks associated with the immunization process. Goal Of This Essay 3 The goal of this essay is to convince healthcare professionals of the importance of implementing mandatory vaccinations in healthcare settings. To meet this goal, this essay will need to present a clear, concise, well-elaborated, evidenced argument demonstrating the importance of immunization as a form of preventative care. The are several key points that will help support my argument. The first point is that vaccines are one of the most effective tools when controlling and protecting people against most communicable diseases. In addition, mandatory vaccination, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is ethically justified if it is used to reduce harm and benefit the patient in particular (Smith et al., 2021). The third point supporting my essay is that the potential risks of lack of immunization are more farreaching than the risks of mandatory vaccination. Sources The two sources that would help to support my key points are Good reasons to vaccinate: Mandatory or payment for risk? By Savulescu. J and Parental attitudes towards mandatory vaccination; a systematic review by Smith, L. E., Hodson, A., & Rubin, G. J. The first source discusses the ethical implications of vaccinating people against the COVID-19 virus and provides evidence that providing financial incentives may be a more ethical approach, as it does not force people to participate (Savulescu, 2021). The second source is a systematic review that examines the beliefs of various parents’ views and mindsets about mandatory vaccination schemes. The authors found that most parents support mandatory vaccination, but some remain hesitant due to safety concerns and a lack of trust in the medical system (Smith et al.., 2021). This source provides evidence from previous studies to support that vaccination must be mandatory to prevent post-natal diseases. How I will Intergrade Evidence In the Essay and Instructors Feedback 4 I plan to effectively integrate evidence into the essay by providing a clear and concise argument demonstrating the importance of immunization as a form of preventative care. I will use the respective sources to provide evidence for my argument and to support my key points. I will make sure to cite the sources I use to back up my argument, as this will demonstrate my research skills and provide credibility to my argument. The feedback I received from my instructor on previous assignments has been invaluable in helping me to further refine my argument. My instructor has helped to identify potential sources of evidence that could be used to support my argument. This feedback has been instrumental in helping me to refine my argument and to ensure that my essay is clear and concise. 5 References Savulescu, J. (2021). Good reasons to vaccinate: Mandatory or payment for risk? Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(2), 78-85. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2020-106821 Smith, L. E., Hodson, A., & Rubin, G. J. (2021). Parental attitudes towards mandatory vaccination; a systematic review. Vaccine, 39(30), 4046–4053 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.06.018

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